अमिताभ बच्चनको निधन ??? !!!

इन्टरनेटको प्रयोगसँगै धेरै विकृती समेत आएका छन् । इन्टरनेटको दुरुपयोग गर्दै आफ्नो साइट वा ब्लग तथा सामाजिक संजाल मार्फत विभिन्न झुट्टा अफवाह फैलाउनेहरुको कमी छैन । यस्तै गलत मान्छेको सिकार बनेका छन् बलिउड सुपरस्टार अमिताभ बच्चन । एक व्यक्तिले आफ्नो ब्लगमार्फत अमिताभ बच्चनको सडक दुर्घटनामा ज्यान गएको गलत समाचार सार्वजनिक गरेपछि त्यसले सनसनी मच्चाएको छ । सडक दुर्घटनामा अमिताभको ज्यान गएको भन्दै एक ब्लगमार्फत अफबाह फैलाइएपछि धेरै मानिस स्तब्ध बने । अमिताभ चढेको कार अमेरिकाको न्यूजर्सीको मरिस टाउन नजिकै दुर्घटना भएको र त्यसमा परी उनको ज्यान गएको भनेर उक्त ब्लग प्रयोगकर्ताले Amitabh Bachan Dies In Car Crash

(local Team News 9) Amitabh Bachan died in a single vehicle crash on Route 80 between Morristown and Roswell. He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident and was identified by photo ID found on his body. Alcohol and drugs do not appear to have been a factor in this accident - June 27, 2012 Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Amitabh Bachan lost control while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 and rolled the vehicle several times killing him instantly. The vehicle was believed to have been traveling at approximately 95 miles per hour in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident. Witnesses have stated that Amitabh Bachan's car crossed the double lines several times prior to the accident and hit the center lane divider causing the vehicle to flip and roll. Toxicology tests will be performed to determine whether he was driving under the influence, however initial findings indicate that durgs or alcohol did not contribute in any way to this accident as it was more likely to been caused by road conditions. Memorial services for Amitabh Bachan have not yet been announced. The service is expected to be a closed casket funeral due to the severe head trauma.आफ्नो ब्लगमा गलत समाचार राखेको थियो । स्मरण रहोस् केही समय पहिले बलिउडका कुनै जमानाका सुपरस्टार राजेश खन्नाको निधन भएको गलत खबर इन्टरनेट मार्फत फैलिएको थियो भने यो वर्षको सुरुतिर भारतीय गायिका लता मंगेशकरको निधन भएको खबरले समेत सबै अचम्ममा परेका थिए । यस्ता गलत समाचारका कारण फैलिने सनसनीले त्यस्तो गलत काम गर्नेहरुलाई तत्कालका लागि मनोरञ्जन त दिन्छ, तर त्यो समाचारले सेलिब्रेटी तथा शुभेक्षुकहरुमा भने नराम्रो असर पुग्छ । वास्तवमा यस्तो कर्म निकै ठूलो अपराध नै हो । चिरायू रहुन् अमिताभ बच्चन ।


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